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Episode 25: "Do You Ever Doodle in Public?"

Screenshot 👆🏽 How awesome is it that 450 people signed to doodle with me?? 🙌🏽

Hey there, and happy summer! 😎 Or winter for friends in the Southern Hemisphere. ❄️

In today’s podcast episode I respond to a question I was asked yesterday: Do you ever doodle in public?

Have a listen and I’ll explain the context in which it came up, plus the reasons for my answer. (Spoiler: It’s Yes!) There’s also a personal challenge for you, Dear Friend, and a far-out exploration of balance-in-the-workplace that I wish weren’t so far-out.

All this and more will be revealed when you press that PLAY button ▶️ below👇🏽. (Summer mode = short episode = < 20 minutes.)

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Do You Ever Doodle in Public? Pam Consear of

Episode Notes

> I refer to my book called Doodle Your Way Out of Stuckness, which you can find here.

> Click here to learn about Creative Mornings.

> The episode I refer to on the topic of Ordinariness is here. (Oops, I said it was from 2 months ago, but it was 3 months ago.)

> The episode about handling your fresh dreams with care was last month’s, and it’s here, but what I was really referring to was this blog post instead. The two are related, and it will make the most sense if you listen to the podcast first. 😬

Moving Beyond Perfectionism and Fear (two words, same thing)

If you feel…

1) … kind of strapped in by fear, ruled by perfectionist tendencies that shush you before you share ideas out loud because… um… they’re not 100% baked yet and the numbers might not add up and you haven’t strategized them into 5- and 10-year plans so you shouldn’t bother speaking them because people will just call you naïve and you probably are because a more rational person would know that this idea is impractical and it must be because if it were that great someone would have already thought of it but it doesn’t exist yet so that’s probably proof that it didn’t make sense to begin with because you’re not an inventor and you’re not really creative — no, your sister is, though, she’s the “real artist” so someone like her should probably do this thing instead…

2) … antsy, but instead of having an idea you’re always talking yourself out of (see above), your mind draws blanks in the places where ideas used to be…

. . . Then Let’s Talk

I’m a Master of Small Steps, and I can help you set off, v e r y g r a d u a l l y , toward the more imaginative, less planned-and-restricted life you are craving. No sky-diving, no selling-everything-you-own-and-joining-the-circus (unless those are your specific dreams! 🥳). Just bite-sized challenges to strengthen your possibility muscles and build bravery.

I’m talking private coaching, one-on-one. I want to listen to where you are, and which direction you might want to head in. You do not need to have a specific goal in mind; ennui speaks volumes. Together we’ll design tiny, customized exercises for getting you unstuck.

Think of me as your Personal Creative Courage Trainer. 💪🏽 We’ll work out together, in a low-impact, non-strivey way. You’ll only sweat a little bit. 🤓

Warning: Doodling may be required! 🤪🖍📖

Email me or click here to start a no-risk conversation. The 🌍🌏🌎 needs what you have to offer. Soon, please.

Ready to hear it 👂🏽,

P.S. Did you know that you can give yourself a discount in
my online shop anytime, of 15%, 25% or even 35% off? Just because you want it or need it! (You can apply it to my “doodle books”, too.) Alternatively, if you’re one of the financially stable folks in a world that is quickly becoming unaffordable for many, you can opt to pay a little tip to subsidize others, just because you can. All the discount and pay-extra codes are listed in my shop heading. Click here to zip on over there.

See this content in the original post