How Much is Enough?


This year I’m posting three times per month: WORDS on the 3rd, PICTURES on the 13th, and SOUND on the 23rd, which has turned into a podcast called The Accidental Muralist. Below is Episode 7.

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In today’s episode, my daughter, Elena Consear Ramos, and I discuss the slippery topic of Enoughness. (That’s us in 2011, above.)

For example:

  • Why is it so hard to feel like we’re enough when we’re underemployed, or doing meaningful but unpaid work?

  • What would it look like if everyone had enough to live on? How would we use the freed-up energy? What mental shifts would be necessary?

  • How much would be enough to live on for a year?

  • How much would be enough to accomplish in a lifetime?

Along the way, we do some brainstorming and imagining, as per my theme for the season. We challenge you, the listener, to think about what Enough means for you. Then watch as all the internal arguments come up! 🤪.

This is a conversation that could — and will — continue. We hope it sparks both lively discussion and thoughtful contemplation, as we all imagine our way toward a healthier, more fulfilling, and equitable future here on our planet.


Show notes are on the podcast page.