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Episode 24: Building Imagination

Fellow Dreamer,

Get ready to adjust your speaker volume because today’s podcast episode starts in a whisper. 🤫

Why? ‘Cause I’m outside early in the morning, trying not to wake the neighborhood while I walk you through a live imagination practice of something I’m envisioning could happen.

See, a “For Sale” sign just went up next door, in front of the house that caught fire a week after we moved here. The place has been charred, boarded up, tarped, and supporting a healthy array of flora and fauna ever since the morning—nearly five years ago now—when I called 9-1-1 to report the blaze, voice and hand shaking, grateful that I could remember my new address.

I know what’s likely to happen when it sells, based on local housing trends. But I’ve developed a completely different scenario in my mind of what could happen. Notably, the idea gains strength with each person I tell it to, and this is a lesson in itself. (It occurs to me that this is how conspiracy theories work, too. But my imaginings are in service to humanity and the planet. 🙌🏽 🌎)

Curious? Go ahead and eavesdrop on my fantasy! ☺️

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Building Imagination Pam Consear of

Now I’d like to know…...

What dreams have you got hidden away? The ones that seem so far-fetched that you hardly take them seriously. When you’re ready to speak them aloud, I’m ready to hear them. 🙋🏽‍♀️ Think of me as your Imagining Partner. ✨

Sharing wild yearnings for joy and connection,

Episode Notes

> 📜 I mention some building laws and codes that the City of Portland has adopted. Although I think I got the gist of it, they are constantly being changed and updated. If you want to fact-check me, look here.

> 🙏🏽 Deep gratitude to the people in my life who hear me describe how I want the world to be, and don’t laugh or raise an eyebrow. You listen to the arguments I invent to disrupt worn-out debates (like this one) and chuckle only because it’s appropriate. My free-flowing thought experiments, you take in stride. I’m so glad you keep hanging out with me, and I love it when you daydream back. 💛💚💙

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