All Hands Art

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Episode 23: What's Gained by Honoring Loss

Precious One,

We’ve come to the final module of heART❤️SCHOOL, and my choice for a topic to end on might surprise you: It’s LOSS.

Why, when it feels like we’re finally (maybe?) emerging from these pandemic times and spring is bursting out everywhere — why would I bring us down with a topic like loss? Well, there are lots of reasons, and they’re not actually downers.

But rather than list them here, I invite you to listen in on a conversation with my dear friend Patti Carey. (Yes, Patti from Episode 3: “Cured vs. Healed”, way back in April 2020.) We get real about the value of turning toward — rather than away from — difficult emotions like grief. Whether our “suffering” is an all-consuming life change, or seems minor in the big scheme of things, you’ll hear some healthy ways we’ve discovered to process the hard stuff, ultimately leading to more peace and balance — and yes, even joy.

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What's Gained from Loss Pam Consear of

Episode Notes

You can find Patti on social media here:
Facebook: The Art of Mindful Healing
Instagram: The Art of Mindful Healing

The aboriginal poet Patti quoted in the episode is named Oodgeroo Noonuccal.

In speaking of trauma, its connection to art, and the consequences of holding unprocessed trauma, I mentioned the book, The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, and the work of Resmaa Menakem. I recommend looking them both up for more articulate descriptions than the one I gave!

On the topic of stuckness, I mentioned my own book, Doodle Your Way Out of Stuckness, which you can read about (and purchase!) here.

Did you figure it out?

About heART❤️SCHOOL: Did you figure out the acronym we’ve been spelling out with our monthly themes since August? You still have a chance to win a pair of my art cards if you email me the correct answer. Hint: Today’s is the final word, meaning the acronym ends with L (for Loss).

What Else is Going On?

While heART❤️SCHOOL is winding down, there are more adventures coming up, like monthly gatherings of the Doodling Lunatics. (Our next online meeting is Friday, May 13th at 5:30 pm Pacific time). Make sure you’re subscribed to my email list — it’s really the best way to keep up with all things All Hands Art. You can sign up here to stay in-the-know. And please tell a friend!

Coming Soon!

I’ll soon begin offering one-on-one Creative Courage Tutoring! This is for folks who are tired of feeling like they don’t have a creative bone in their body. You wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve heard that phrase out of the mouths of perfectly capable humans who simply need to exercise the related “muscles”.

Over the course of several sessions we’ll work together to shift you out of this stuckness, partly by talking but mostly by doing. The magic happens when you start taking small actions and letting curiosity lead the way.

If you’re interested, or know someone who might be, you can reach out via email ( or look for more info in upcoming blog posts and emails.

My Wish For You

In keeping with the spirit of today’s podcast, I wish for you some quiet moments throughout your week to sit with the small upsets and losses. Honoring the “downs” will boost your appreciation for the small delights as well. 🫶🏼

Shine on,