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The Largeness Inside You

Here we meet again, Dear One, in 2023! I’m glad to be with you for another turn of the calendar.

I read these words recently:

“ Bless the largeness in me, no matter how I fear it… When I am dust sing these words over my bones: she was a voice.”

Questions For You

Based on how the quote above has been resonating in my heart, I have a few questions for you:

👉🏽 What largeness inside you is looking to be blessed?
👉🏽 What causes you to fear it?
👉🏽 What words would you wish to have sung over your bones when you are dust?

This time of year is pregnant with possibilities. I’ve been using these questions to guide my intentions and my focus for the coming months, although they are still/always unfolding.

The quote is from a novel I just finished called The Book of Longings, by Sue Monk Kidd. (Thanks for the gift, Elena!) The words are spoken — and written in a sacred prayer vessel — by the main character Ana, the imagined wife of Jesus. Ana is a voracious reader and chronicler of the forgotten stories of women, in a society where no females of any standing were meant to be educated, listened to, or remembered. She had a true reason to fear her largeness, for her desire to be a writer was constantly getting her into trouble.

Another word for the Largeness

Of course there are places in today’s world where the rules aren’t much different. Even as rights are being eroded here in the US, I remind myself how much freedom and privilege I do have so that I can channel this awareness into motivation to be a voice. To not let my fear (of what? usually ridicule, or not being good enough) stop me from saying what needs to be said, or doing what my Soul came here to do.

Our Largeness is the longing of our Soul. Our Soul is that infinite part of us that is concerned with carrying out our purpose during this brief time on Earth. It is distinct from the ego, and does not get derailed by worldly worries. It’s not interested in wealth or notoriety, for those things are fleeting. It’s easy to ignore (for a while), because it speaks in whispers and nudges, while the messages of our culture shout at us exactly what we are supposed to do and be, and on which products we should spend our money.

But the Soul’s purpose persists. It’s got your whole lifetime to get its point across.

Again, Your Soul’s Questions

So again I ask you, as I continue asking myself:

✨ What largeness inside you is looking to be blessed?
✨ What causes you to fear it?
✨ What words would you wish to have sung over your bones when you are dust?

Wishing you insight into your largeness, bravery to face down your fears, and perceptive awareness of the largenesses in those around you so that we may all bless each other’s gifts. This way we’ll know the words to sing when the time comes.

With a Soul-full heart,

P.P.S. Are you on the cusp of a life transition? Are you interested in being part of a women’s group focused on supporting each other through the next small-but-brave steps? I’m beginning to imagine a group of 4-12 women of all ages that meets online every other week or for a couple of months. I’d facilitate, opening with a reading or poem and presenting a topic, then a substantial part of our time would be spent in small break-out groups, so that we can get to know each other personally. It would be a paid program, but on a sliding scale according to your means.

Right now I’m in brainstorming mode, so it’s helpful to know whether this idea resonates, and with whom. Please reply if this sounds interesting to you, and/or if this sounds like a great fit for someone you know. (You won’t be locked in! I’m just sampling the waters.)

Alternatively, if you’d like to work with me one-on-one, I have a couple of coaching spots open this winter. Email me or click here for more info.